South Africa
Email: info@dmre.gov.za
On 29 May 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the merger of the Department of Mineral Resources and the Department of Energy into one department, as the Department of Mineral resources and Energy (DMRE). The existence of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy is premised on its vision of becoming a leader in the transformation of South Africa’s economic growth agenda through the sustainable development of the mining and energy sectors.
Email: secretariat@saesa.org.za
The South African Energy Storage Association’s objective is to aid sustainable business development in South Africa through energy storage solutions.
Email: niveshen@sapvia.co.za (Niveshen Govender - Chief Operations Officer)
Tel: +27(0)11 553 7264
SAPVIA is a member-led organisation formed with the express purpose of delivering a solar PV powered future for South Africa. We advocate, engage and influence on behalf of our members to harness the power of solar and capitalise on the opportunities it offers for individuals and all of South Africa.
Email: info@greencape.co.za
Phone: +27 21 811 0250
GreenCape is a non-profit organisation that drives the widespread adoption of economically viable green economy solutions from the Western Cape.
Email: admin@saaea.org
Phone: +2771 637 8466
SAAEA represents and actively promotes renewable alternative energy solutions globally, covering a wide range of technologies and services.
Contact Form: here
The South African National Energy Association (SANEA) is a not-for-profit company founded in 1924. SANEA represents a hub for objective thought leadership on energy and related matters. In so doing, SANEA stimulates original thinking to catalyse transformation of the South African Energy Sector.
Email: info@saaee.org.za
The South African Association for Energy Economics (SAAEE) is a nonprofit, non-partisan, and impartial professional association intended to establish a national forum for energy specialists from all professions and spheres of the energy sector (academia, industry, government, private and public sector) and play an advisory role for future good decision making in policy propositions and implementations
Botswana Contacts
Email: info@bera.co.bw
Tel: (+267) 533 0932
BERA is responsible for providing an efficient energy regulatory framework for Electricity, Gas, Coal, Petroleum products, Solar and all forms of renewable energy. It was established by the Botswana Energy Regulatory Act 2016 and started its operations on the 1st September, 2017.
Email: enquiries@bitc.co.bw
Tel: +267 3633300
BITC provides basic information on companies looking to export from Botswana and investment opportunities in the country.
Email: contactcentre@bpc.bw
Botswana Power Corporation, a parastatal utility which was formed in 1970 by an Act of Parliament is responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity within Botswana to areas approved by the Ministry of Minerals Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security.
Email: bgcis@gov.bw
Tel: (+267) 365 6600
Since its reshuffle in 2016, The Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security (MMGE) aspires to be a global leader in the provision of services in the mineral and energy sectors for national prosperity
Contact form: here
The department’s aim is to formulate energy policies, regulatory frameworks, and legislation, and oversee their implementation to ensure energy security, promotion of environmentally-friendly energy carriers, and access to affordable and reliable energy for all South Africans.
Nigeria Contacts
Email: info@power.gov.ng
The Federal Ministry of Power is the policy-making arm of the Federal Government with the responsibility for the provision of power in the country. The Ministry in discharging this mandate is guided by the provisions of the National Electric Power Policy (NEPP) of 2001, the Electric Power Sector Reform (EPSR) Act of 2005, and the Roadmap for Power Sector Reform of August 2010.
Email: info@nerc.gov.ng
The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission is an independent body, established by the Electric Power Sector Reform Act of 2005 to undertake technical and economic regulation of the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry. The Commission is to, among others license operators, determine operating codes and standards, establish customer rights and obligations and set cost reflective industry tariffs. The Commission has its head quarters in Abuja, and has currently six zonal offices in the six geopolitical zones of the country.
Email: support@onem.gov.ng
The Market Operation was established in April 2004 to achieve a sustainable electricity industry. The Electricity Market has been designed with a staged approach, moving from one stage to the next with increasing competition and diversification of trading arrangements as investment and private participation grows.
The Market Operation is responsible for the administration of the Electricity Market, promoting efficiency and where possible competition.
Email: Info@nigeria-energy.com
Nigeria Energy exhibition and conference is the leading energy event in West Africa. After eight successful annual editions, Nigeria Energy has been rebranded, from Power Nigeria, to reflect the transformation currently sweeping through West Africa’s rapidly growing power sector. Held under the patronage of Nigeria’s Ministry of Power, the exhibition and conference attracts hundreds of local and international suppliers and thousands of professional visitors.
Email: lcci@lagoschamber.com
Tel: (+234)1-277-1557
Founded in 1888, the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the Premier Chamber of Commerce in Nigeria. It was incorporated in 1950 as a non-profit making organization, Limited by Guarantee under the Companies Act of 1948. It is the foremost private sector group in Nigeria with over 2, 000 corporate members.
Email: info@rean.org.ng
The Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN) is an independent, non-profit Industry association founded by stakeholders in the Renewable Energy sector in Nigeria. REAN is dedicated to promoting the growth and development of the industry in Nigeria by engaging with the public and private sector to guide advocacy, policy formulation, and investment in the sector.
Tanzania Contacts
Email: info@ewura.go.tz
Tel: +255-26 2329003-4
The Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA) is an autonomous multi-sectoral regulatory authority established by the EWURA Act Cap 414-2006 of the laws of Tanzania and its amendments EWURA Act (Amendments No.6 of 2019). It is responsible for technical and economic regulation of the electricity, petroleum, natural gas and water sectors in Tanzania pursuant to Cap 414 and sector legislation.
Tel: +255 272 970050 / 51 / 52 / 53
The Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) was established by Parliament Act No. 7 of 2003 (The Atomic Energy Act. No.7 of 2003). Formerly known as the National Radiation Commission established by Parliament Act 5 of 1983 (The Protection from Radiation Act. No.5 of 1983)
The following are the responsibilities of the Commission:
a) Controlling the safe use of radiation in the country.
b) To promote the safe use of nuclear technology
c) to conduct research and provide advice and information on Nuclear Science and Technology
Contacts available: here
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) is a Parastatal organization established by Memorandum and Articles of Association incorporated on 26th November 1931 which established Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (the then Tanganyika Electric Supply Company Limited -TANESCO).
The Company generates, purchases, transmits, distributes, and sells electricity to Tanzania Mainland and sells bulk power to the Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO), which in turn sells it to the public in islands Unguja and Pemba. TANESCO owns most of the electricity generating, transmitting, and distributing facilities in Tanzania Mainland with an estimated population of over 50 million.
Kenya Contacts
Email: info@epra.go.ke
The Kenya Energy Act 2019 provides for the establishment of energy sector entities and regulates the production, supply and use of energy. Additionally, it establishes the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority ("EPRA") as the successor to the Energy Regulatory Commission (“ERC”). Like the ERC, the EPRA has explicit authority over imports and exports of electricity. It also has an expanded mandate that includes regulation of upstream petroleum and coal. Relevant regulations for petroleum, electricity and renewable energy can also be found on EPRA’s website.
Email: info@energy.go.ke
The Ministry is in charged with the mandate to develop and implement policies that create an enabling environment for efficient operation and growth of Kenya’s energy sector. The Ministry sets strategic directions to facilitate the growth of the sector while providing long term vision for all sector players.
Email: info@nuclear.co.ke
The Nuclear Power and Energy Agency, formerly Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board (KNEB), is a State Corporation established under the Energy Act 2019. It is charged with the responsibility of promoting and implementing Kenya’s Nuclear Power Programme, carrying out research and development for the energy sector.
Email: info@knra.co.ke
Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority (KNRA) is a public entity established under Section 5 of the Nuclear Regulatory Act No. 29 of 2019, which commenced on 10th January 2020, to provide protection of persons, property and the environment against the harmful effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation through the establishment of a system of regulatory control.
Email: administrator@kerea.org
The Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA) is an independent non-profit association dedicated to facilitating the growth and development of renewable energy business in Kenya.
KEREA was formed in August 2002 by members of the Renewable Energy Resources Technical Committee of the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and is registered under section 10 of the societies act.
Email: Pr@Kengen.Co.Ke (Head Office)
Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen) is the leading electric power generating company in East Africa. KenGen was incorporated in 1954 under the Kenyan Companies Act as Kenya Power Company (KPC) with the mandate to generate electricity through the development, management and operation of power plants. The shareholders of the Company later contracted East Africa Power & Lighting Company (EAP&L) to manage KPC. In 1983, EAP&L changed to Kenya Power & Lighting Company.
Email: info@oddeg.dj
The Djiboutian public institution responsible for the identification, exploration and exploitation of the country's geothermal resources.
Email: info@gdc.co.ke
Geothermal Development Company (GDC) is a fully government-owned company in Kenya's energy sector.GDC was formed in 2008 as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to accelerate the development of geothermal resources in Kenya.
Ethiopia Contacts
Email: info@eea.gov.et
Ethiopian Energy Authority aspires to achieve world class regulatory performance standard by 2030 in its delivery of regulatory services.
Email: info@ewien.org
Ethiopian Women in Energy (EWiEn) is a networking association that connects and empowers Ethiopian women working in the energy sector to encourage greater visibility, networking opportunities, mentoring, and professional connections between women.
Email: info@etoffgrid.org
Tel: +251-116631080
The Ethiopia Solar Offgrid Energy is a virtual platform designed to serve as a source of up-to-date information and dissemination centre for industries, service providers, entrepreneurs, consultants, investors, policy-makers, government administrators, development partners, and others engaged in the off-grid energy sector in Ethiopia.
Ghana Contacts
Email: info@energycom.gov.gh
Tel: (+233) 302 813756/7
The Energy Commission was set up by an Act of Parliament, the Energy Commission Act, 1997 (Act 541) with functions relating to the regulation, management, development and utilisation of energy resources in Ghana.
The Energy Commission is the technical regulator of Ghana’s electricity, natural gas and renewable energy industries, and the advisor to Government on energy matters.
This website provides resources, information and guidance to existing and prospective companies and other stakeholders in the electricity, natural gas and renewable energy sectors.
Email: gridco@gridcogh.com
Tel: +233 (0) 30-3318700
GRIDCo was established in accordance with the Energy Commission Act, 1997 (Act 541) and the Volta River Development (Amendment) Act, 2005 Act 692, which provided for the establishment and exclusive operation of the National Interconnected Transmission System (NITS) by an independent Utility and the separation of the transmission functions of the Volta River Authority (VRA) from its other activities within the framework of the Power Sector Reforms.
GRIDCo was incorporated on December 15, 2006 as a private limited liability company under the Companies Code, 1963, Act 179 and granted a certificate to commence business on December 18, 2006.
Contact Form: here
The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre is Ghana’s foremost investment attraction and promotion agency under the Office of the President.
Guided by the GIPC Act 2013 (Act 865), the Centre courts and facilitates valuable investments to stimulate economic growth, unlock opportunities and spur job creation. The Centre also provides a diligent team of resource persons to furnish investors with insight and necessary guidelines towards a successful integration into the Ghanaian World of business, and as such remains the first point of contact for all foreign investors coming to Ghana.
The Ghana Renewable Energy Fair was instituted in 2015 with the aim of creating a platform for collaboration between government, the private sector and civil society for the promotion of the benefits of renewable energy in order to identify opportunities and facilitate investment in the utilisation of Ghana’s renewable energy resources.
This is in line with the Renewable Energy Act 2011 (Act 832), which seeks to develop and promote Renewable Energy in the Country. The Act and the responsibility it gave to the Energy Commission was one of the pivotal motivations that led the Commission to birth the Annual Ghana Renewable Energy Fair.
Cote d’Ivoire Contacts
Email: info@energie.gouv.ci
The Ministry of Mines, Petroleum Resources and Energy is the technical and administrative body tasked with the implementation of the Government's mining policy.
Email: info@anare.ci
Tel: (225) 27 20 206 010
The National Regulatory Authority for the Electricity Sector of Côte d'Ivoire (ANARE-CI) was created by Law No. 2014 – 132 of March 24, 2014 on the Electricity Code. It is an independent administrative authority with legal personality and financial autonomy.
The regulatory missions are carried out by ANARE-CI in an independent, impartial and transparent manner. ANARE-CI's headquarters are located in Abidjan. It can be transferred to any other place in the national territory, after assent of the Regulatory Board. ANARE-CI produces each year, no later than 30 June, the activity report for the previous year. This report is transmitted to the Minister in charge of Energy who communicates it to the government. It is published on the ANARE-CI website.
Email: secretariatdg@cinergies.ci
Tel: +225 27 20 20 60 00
Created by decree number 2011-472 of December 21, 2011, the Société des Energies de Côte-d'Ivoire, which became Côte-d'Ivoire Energies in November 2017, CI-ENERGIES, aims, in the Republic of Côte-d'Ivoire to ensure the follow-up of the management of the movements of electrical energy as well as the project management of the works of development of the electrical networks.
Côte d'Ivoire Energies, CI-ENERGIES, is a state-owned company with a capital of 20 billion CFA francs, created by law No. 2011-472 of December 21, 2011.
Contact form: here
Tel: (+225) 27 21 23 33 00
ERANOVE is a leading Pan-African industrial group in the management of public services and the production of drinking water and electricity.
With more than 9,000 employees, the Eranove group is developing a unique model on the continent that combines African roots for 60 years, expertise across the entire value chain of the water and electricity businesses (structuring and development of projects, production, network management, distribution, marketing) and a strong commitment to public-private partnerships.
Email: organisation@aienr.org
Tel: +225 27 2175-0880
Mozambique Contacts
Email: infoarene@arene.org.mz
Tel: +258 21 333 550/1
ARENE is an energy regulatory body with powers to regulate and supervise the electricity, natural gas and liquid fuels subsectors, thus ensuring the alignment of the energy sector with international best practices.
Email: info@cpgm-moz.com
Originally, the chamber was known as the Mozambique Oil and Gas Chamber, and only since January 2022 has it been rebranded as the Mozambique Energy Chamber. The rebrand marks a turning point for the country’s accelerated inclusivity of non-fossil-fuel based energy and renewables transition.
The Chamber is dedicated to establishing an enabling environment for international investors while at the same time supporting local companies across multiple supply chains.
Libya Contacts
Email: sales@energycapitalpower.com
Energy Capital & Power (ECP) produced the first-ever Libya Energy & Economic Summit, with the official endorsement of the Office of Prime Minister H.E. Abdulhamid M. A. Al Dabiba, and resolute commitment from the Libyan government to revitalizing the national energy sector. The Libya Energy & Economic Summit was supported by the National Oil Corporation of Libya and the Ministry of Oil and Gas.
Morocco Contacts
Email: contact@mem.gov.ma
Tel: 05 37 68 84 00
Morocco’s central policy-making body for energy, mining, and sustainable development.
Email: fenelec@fenelec.com
Tel: +212 22 94 91 82
FENELEC stands for the National Federation of Electricity, Electronics and Renewable Energies in Morocco. Today, after 12 years from its creation, FENELEC counts 386 adherent companies, representing more than 95% of product and service activity of electricity and electronic sectors.
Visit Website
Email: contact@iresen.org
Tel: +212 (0) 537 68 22 36
IRESEN is a research institute created in 2011 by the Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and the Environment, and several key players in the energy sector in Morocco to support the national energy strategy by supporting the Applied R&D in the field of solar energy and new energies.
The Institute is positioned in the field of R&D through its resources agency and its research center, thus offering several opportunities for the creation of synergy between the socio-economic world and the scientific world around collaborative R&D projects.
Contact form: here
Masen is the group responsible for managing renewable energy in Morocco.
Masen leads development programmes of integrated projects aimed at creating an additional 3,000 MW of clean electricity generation capacity by 2020 and a further 6,000 MW by 2030. The goal is to secure 52% of the country’s energy mix from renewable sources by 2030.
As a central player committed to making optimal use of renewable resources, Masen transforms natural power into power for progress. The integrated model Masen has devised aims to establish self-sustaining and financially viable ecosystems.
Contact form: here
The National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM) was established on 17 August 2005 by the merger of the Bureau of Research and Mining Participations (BRPM) and the National Office for Research and Petroleum Explorations (ONAREP). Since their inception in 1928 for the BRPM and in 1981 for the ONAREP, these two organizations have been pioneers and leaders in Morocco in their respective fields, and have benefited from a high reputation among international operators.
The National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines created under the name ONHYM is a public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy. The National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines is subject to the State supervision, which is to ensure compliance by the competent bodies of the Office of the provisions of the law 33-01. It is also subject to financial control applicable to public institutions under the State legislation.
Egypt Contacts
Email: info@eetc.net.eg
The Egyptian Electricity authority was established in 1976 to be responsible for all power plants, transmission and distribution networks. In 1984 the public sector authority for electricity distribution was established and being supervised on the electrical distribution companies. Once again in 1998 the ownership of the distribution companies were joined to the Egyptian Electricity authority, seven areas of electricity and companies of electricity distribution was combined into seven joint-stock companies to produce and distribute electrical energy. In 2000, Law 164 was issued to transfer the Egyptian Electricity authority to the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company and Subsidiaries which are five companies for electricity production, seven companies for electricity distribution and one company for transmission and controlling electricity. In July 2001, the Egyptian electricity holding company and Subsidiaries were reconstructed and the number of Subsidiaries became sixteen companies which are six companies for electricity production, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company and nine companies for electricity distribution.
Email: feedback@sis.gov.eg
The Egypt SIS is the government’s comprehensive portal for public-facing information and communication. Here, you can stay up to date on the country’s key projects and developments.
Email: chairperson@nrea.gov.eg
Since the 1970s, the Ministry of Electricity & Energy has given due consideration to Renewable Energy (RE) resources. In the early 1980s, a renewable energy strategy was formulated as an integral part of the national energy planning in Egypt. Such strategy has been revised in view of the projections for possible RE technologies/application options, available financing sources, and investment opportunities in the field.
Zambia Contacts
Email: info@moe.gov.zm
The Ministry of Energy (MoE) was established in 2016 following the Republican President’s directive to re-align the Ministry from the then Ministry of Energy and Water Development (MEWD). This was during the President’s address to Parliament in September 2016.
Email: info@rea.org.zm
Tel: +260-211-241296/98
The Rural Electrification Authority (REA) is a statutory body created by an Act of Parliament No. 20 of 2003. REAs mandate is to provide electricity infrastructure to all rural areas using appropriate technologies in order to increase access, productivity and contribute to improved quality of life. REAs goal is to increase the electrification rate from 3% to 51% by 2030.
Contact form: here
Central energy regulator in Zambia, which aims to balance and safeguard the interests of all energy stakeholders in a manner that facilitates sustainable energy development for socio-economic transformation.
Namibia Contacts
Uganda Contacts
Regional Contacts
Continental Contacts
Contacts available: here
AFSIA is the reference association for solar professionals in Africa. The association is headquartered in Kigali, Rwanda and carries out solar-related activities and programs across Africa.
Its regional coverage stretches from Egypt to South-Africa, from Cape Verde to Madagascar.
AFSIA promotes solar power in the African region from large scale grid-connected projects to off-grid solar home systems, through hybrid systems including diesel and storage to solar water pumping, solar stoves or solar water heaters.
AFSIA organizes networking opportunities for solar professionals and gives them access to the right information and the right network to expand their business and strengthen the solar industry across the continent.
Contact form: here
The Africa Energy Portal (AEP) is a one-stop-shop for energy sector news, insights, data and more. Launched in November 2018, the AEP focuses exclusively on Africa, serving as a repository for accurate and relevant information and data across the energy value chain. The AEP also provides a platform for knowledge-sharing on the African energy sector and seeks to create an enabling environment for vibrant community discussion on the most pressing issues impacting the African energy sector today.
Global Contacts
Contact form: here
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 57 65 00
IEA analysis is built upon a foundation of activities and focus areas including data and statistics, training, innovation, and international cooperation.
Email: info@irena.org
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy.
Email: info@gwec.net
The Global Wind Energy Council is the international trade association for the wind power industry. Its mission to ensure that wind power establishes itself as the answer to today’s energy challenges, providing substantial environmental and economic benefits.
Contact Form: here
The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) is a nonprofit organization that envisions a carbon-free energy system by 2050. We are one of many entities globally required to make this vision a reality.
Email: iha@hydropower.org.
The International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a non-profit membership association. It represents organisations committed to the responsible and sustainable development and operation of hydropower.
Operating in over 120 countries, its members include leading hydropower owners and operators, developers, designers, suppliers, and consultants.
Email: Info@SEforALL.org
Tel: +43 676 846 727 200
In September 2011, then UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced at the UN General Assembly a new initiative called on Sustainable Energy for All. This was in the context of a resolution that declared 2012 the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All, sending a clear signal about the centrality of energy in ending poverty and addressing climate change.
Energy XPRT is a global marketplace with solutions and suppliers for the energy sector, with product catalogs, articles, industry events, publications & more.
Email: iha@hydropower.org.
The International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a non-profit membership association and is the voice of sustainable hydropower.
Australia Renewable Energy Contacts
Australia Energy Contacts
Contact form: here
The Clean Energy Council is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation, which represents and works with Australia's leading renewable energy and energy storage businesses, as well as rooftop solar installers, to further the development of clean energy in Australia.
Contact Information: here
Tel: +61 1300 768 204
The Smart Energy Council is the Independent Body for the Australian Smart Energy Industry. They actively connect the smart energy industry across Australia, building momentum and unlocking the barriers that hold us back from embracing a smart energy future.
Contact form: here
SEIA was formed in 2007 and is a broad industry association comprising of local manufacturers, retailers, researchers, lobbyists, consultants, and other interested parties.
Australian Government Contacts
Email: agaar@dfat.gov.au
The Advisory Group on Australia-Africa Relations (AGAAR) was launched by the former Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Julie Bishop, on 4 September 2015. AGAAR has been tasked with informing Australia's engagement and policies on Sub-Saharan Africa.