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The Africa Debate

The Africa Debate is bringing together 1,000+ investors, market leaders, and senior decision-makers to provide a platform for discussion and action on how to best support Africa’s transformative recovery as part of the ‘Great Reset’. 

 As a valued partners, Invest Africa are offering AACC’s network limited discounted Premium Digital tickets. Use the unique code AACC21 to receive the discount on your ticket when you sign-up here.

 For the first time the conference will take place over three days with each having a specific focus meaning you can get the most out of your participation.  

·         Day 1 is the Country Investment Forum which will focus on highlighting opportunities in country and support for international investors 

·         Day 2 will discuss and debate the key building blocks needed to set the Continent on a path to ambitious and sustainable recovery 

·         Day 3 focusses on Next Generation Africa, exploring innovative financial solutions for SMEs 

 The decisions made in the next months will inform Africa’s place in the global economy for years to come. Make sure you take the opportunity to have your say. 

 Register now - Register for The Africa Debate 2021 — The Africa Debate

See the Full Agenda The Africa Debate

August 18

Sudan Fintech Summit

September 21

The South Africa Innovation Summit