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TP Minds Australia 2022

  • Sydney Harbour Marriot Hotel 30 Pitt St Sydney, NSW, 2000 Australia (map)

BDO is proud to continue to be a Lead Partner of TP Minds Australia 2022.

As the world's leading independent transfer pricing conference series, TP Minds Australia brings together senior international tax and transfer pricing professionals, Australian corporates and representatives from the ATO.

This year we are excited to be joined by formidable keynote speakers including Melinda Brown, Senior Advisor, OECD, Rebecca Saint, Deputy Commissioner, ATO and John de Wijin AM QC.

The sessions and workshops will once again cover a wide range of topics including recent OECD developments, next ATO programs, issues of key concern, managing TP reviews and disputes, the future of the APA program, Pillar 1 and 2 for Australian business and global transfer pricing developments.

We hope that you will be able to attend this conference and reconnect with your peers in the industry. More information:

May 9


June 22

AACCI - Business Roundtable Meeting with Her Excellency Mrs. Wassane Zailachi, The Kingdom of Morocco Ambassador to Australia