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Nigerian Business Mission 2022

  • Australia Africa Chamber of Commerce Level 5, 121 Exhibition St, MELBOURNE Australia (map)

UPDATE 18/05/2022 - this event has been rescheduled for July 19, 2022 - we will provide updates shortly to confirm the date and look forward to your attendance.

The Australia Africa Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Global Victoria, Austrade and DFAT, is pleased to host the Nigerian Delegation for the Nigerian Business Mission this July.

We invite Australian suppliers and providers from across the Agricultural, Mining/METS, Energy, Education and Technology sectors to join us in discussing supply chain opportunities between Australia and Nigeria.


Consisting of State Officials, Business Representatives, Technical Specialists, Captains of Industries, as well as Heads of Academic Institutions, the Nigerian Delegation will also be accompanied by Ambassador Anderson N. Madubike, High Commissioner of Nigeria to Australia and the Pacific, and Mr. Emeka Offor, the Executive Secretary/CEO of the Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC).

Nigeria is a key regional player within West Africa, being one of its most populous countries, accounting for approximately 202 million people. With an average growth rate of 1.9% across the past 4 years, growth has primarily been driven by its abundance of natural resources alongside its growing influence in telecom services.

It is Africa’s biggest oil exporter and continues to have the largest natural gas reserves on the continent. Nigeria has hence become one of the fastest developing nations within the African continent and continues to make great strides in its policies and structural reforms in order to secure a stable government and market as it engages in the global market.

Coupled with its progress in socio-economic terms in recent years, Nigeria presents itself as a nation that offers vast opportunities in trade and business investment.

A full list of the Nigerian Delegation will be provided to registrants in the coming weeks. If you or your organisation is interested in receiving members of the delegation to come to visit your site of operations or enterprise AFTER the summit, please send us an email ( so that we may be of assistance.


Australian exporters and businesses will have the opportunity to attend the Nigerian Business Mission in-person, at the International Chamber House. The event is free for all interested attendees, and we anticipate participants benefiting from the following:

  • Fact finding/observing the Nigerian market from first-hand exposure

  • Establishing contacts/developing a network

  • Evaluating market/export opportunities

  • Connecting with potential business partners

  • Promoting brand, products and services

  • Meeting key decision-makers/stakeholders/government officials

  • Networking with their fellow delegates, sharing expertise and/or providing leads to one another

Our sectors of focus for this event will be the five following:

  • Mining/METS

  • Education

  • Energy

  • Agriculture

  • Technology

Or M.E.E.A.T for short!

The schedule runs as follows:

9.00 am - Arrival

9.30 am - Welcome Plenary

10.30 am - Break

10.45 am - Sectoral Sessions (Concurrent: Agriculture, Energy, Education, Mining/METS, Technology)

12.45 pm - Lunch

1.45 pm - Closing Plenary

2.45 pm - Networking Session

4.45 pm - Event End

Registrations are essential, so please register tickets as soon as possible to confirm attendance and any dietary requirements. Registrants will need to indicate which Sectoral Session they would be interested in attending, and if they would like the opportunity to submit any business marketing collateral for distribution via the AACC on their behalf.

Registrants will need to provide the following:

  • Individual Name

  • Business Name/Representation

  • Role

  • Sectoral Session Preference

  • Indication of Industries of Interest

  • Contact Email

  • Contact Number

  • Any prepared business profiles/preferred social media links

We strive to facilitate as much meaningful business engagement as possible, and are thus happy to accommodate.

Registrations close Friday July 15th, so get in quick. For any questions or queries, please email the Operations Manager:

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AACCI - Business Roundtable Meeting with Her Excellency Mrs. Wassane Zailachi, The Kingdom of Morocco Ambassador to Australia

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