South Africa Contacts
Email: info@cgcsa.co.za
Tel: +27 11 777 3300
The Consumer Goods Council is engaged in lobbying and supporting companies trading in consumer groups, and assists in industry regulation and promotion.
Email: info@saafost.org.za
Tel: +27 31 368 8000
The association is focused on the intersection between food and technology and publishes the Food Science and Technology trade magazine.
Tel: +27 83 255 3486
SAMPA is engaged in supporting voluntary and statutory regulations in the meat processing industry, and provides support with compliance via product testing.
Email: info@saaffi.co.za
Tel: +27 11 447 2757
SANBWA is engaged in the standard-setting for the manufacture of bottled water.
Email: sanbwa@worldonline.co.za
Tel: +27 11 884 5916
SANBWA is engaged in the standard-setting for the manufacture of bottled water.
Ghana Contacts
Email: info@fabag.org
Tel: +233 24 438 5824 | +233 26 438 5824
The Food and Beverage Association of Ghana supports food and beverage manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers and retailers to navigate regulation and develop networking opportunities.
Email: info@ghanachefs.com
Tel: +233 24 419 4615
The Chefs Association of Ghana works to support and promote the culinary professionals within the country.
Botswana Contacts
Email: mail@naftec.org
Tel: +267 544 0441 | +267 544 5500
The NFTRC partners with the Ministry of Agriculture and universities to promote food industry and nutritional standards in Botswana.
The association is dedicated to providing resources for organic farmers in Botswana.
Ethiopia Contacts
Email: info@fonse.org
Tel: +251 11 2756310
The Food and Nutrition Society is an association within the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, which aims to support food science and nutrition in the country.
Tanzania Contacts
Email: info@fonse.org
Tel: +255 73 436 6569 | +255 22 211 8137
The Food and Nutrition Centre is a government body which works to prevent and control malnutrition in the country.