Ghana Contacts
Email: info@gipc.gov.gh
Tel: +233-302961745
The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre is Ghana’s foremost investment attraction and promotion agency under the Office of the President.
Email: chamber@ghanachamberofmines.org
Tel: +0302 -760652, 761392, 761893
The Chamber represents the collective interests of companies involved in mineral exploration, production and processing in Ghana.
Email: info@mincom.gov.gh
Tel: +233 030 277 1318
The Minerals Commission of Ghana is the Government agency with the primary responsibility of developing and coordinating mineral sector policies and monitoring their implementation.
Email: tfep@moti.gov.gh
Tel: +233 323 3456
Ghana’s Trade Facilitation Enquiry Point aims to ensure both the Ghanaian and international trading communities have access to current and accurate trade information.
Email: info@moti.gov.gh
Tel: +233 302 686-528
The Ministry is also the advocate for the private sector within government and is the principal agency responsible for monitoring and implementing the Government’s private sector development programs and activities.
Botswana Contacts
Email: bcm@info.bw
Tel: +267 391 4685/6
The Botswana Chamber of Mines is an organisation established to serve the interests of the mining and exploration companies together with associated industries.
Email: enquiries@bitc.co.bw
Tel: +267 3633300
BITC provides basic information on companies looking to export from Botswana and investment opportunities in the country.
Email: bgcis@gov.bw
Tel: +267 365 6600
The Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security (MMGE) will be a global leader in the provision of services in the mineral and energy sectors for national prosperity
South Africa Contacts
Email: info@mineralscouncil.org.za
Tel: +27 11 498 7100
The Minerals Council South Africa is a mining industry employers’ organisation that supports and promotes the South African mining industry.
Email: enquiries@dmr.gov.za
Tel: +27 12 444 3000
Aims to promote and regulate minerals and mining for transformation, growth, development, and ensure that all South Africans derive sustainable benefit from the country's mineral wealth.
Email: Secretariat -Raymond van den Berg raymondvdb@mpas.org.zaTel: +27 11 568 2053
The Association aims at furthering the mining industry in South Africa through knowledge sharing, collaboration through tripartite structures and technical meetings.
Email: mpasinfo@mpas.org.za
Tel: +27 11 568 2050
The association aims to promote efficient mineral processing and extractive metallurgy, holds industry events, and lobbies to both business and government.
Email: info@sanire.co.za
Tel: +27 11 568 2054
The South African National Institute of Rock Engineering is engaged with the advancement of rock engineering as a discipline.
Tanzania Contacts
Email: info@chamberofmines.or.tz
Tel: +255 222 667 594 | +255 679 353 490
The Tanzania Chamber of Mines is a government-led voluntary membership organisation advocating for the interests of companies engaged in mining exploration and mineral production activities.
Email: info@tawoma.or.tz
Tel: +255 768 654 398
The TWMA empowers women miners’ in poverty eradication through financial, professional and marketing empowerment.
Email: ps@madini.go.tz
The Ministry of Mining is the government ministry of United Republic of Tanzania that is responsible for facilitating the development of the Mining sectors
Burkina Faso Contacts
Email: cmb@chambredesmines.bf
Tel: +226 25 36 19 35
The Tanzania Chamber of Mines acts on behalf of local and mining companies with an interest in mining activities in Burkina Faso.
Email: contact@afemib.org
Tel: +226 25 37 20 25 | +226 52 57 97 94
The AFEMIB supports the work of women miners’, and seeks to improve their working conditions.
Email: bumigeb@bumigeb.bf
Tel: +226 25 36 48 02 | +226 25 36 48 90
BUMIGEB is engaged in geological and mining research within Burkina Faso.
Ethiopia Contacts
Tel: +251 11 646 3166
The Ethiopian Ministry of Mines and Petroleum is the government department responsible for mining operations within the country.
Email: info@eic.gov.et
Tel: (+251) 11 551 0033
The Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) is an autonomous government institution accountable to the country’s Investment Board, which is chaired by the Prime Minister.
Zimbabwe Contacts
Email: info@chamines.co.zw
Tel: +263 (4)334517 / (4)334507
The Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe is a private sector voluntary organisation established in 1939 for the purpose of promoting, encouraging, protecting and fostering the mining industry and doing everything necessary and advisable for the objects.
Tel: 263-4-777022/9, 798771-3, 798775
The Ministry of Mines administers the Mines and Minerals Act and associated laws. Through its arms, it issues mining titles and monitors the effective utilisation of the country's mineral resources.
Email: info@zidainvest.com, promotions@zida-invest.com
Tel: +263 8688002639 – 42
The Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency (ZIDA), is an investment agency responsible for promoting and facilitating both local and foreign investment in the country.
Tel: +263 242 487200-4
Email: info@mmcz.co.zw, administrators@mmcz.co.zw
The Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe was established under the MMCZ Act of 1982 as the exclusive agent for the selling and marketing of all minerals produced in Zimbabwe, except gold and silver. It is wholly owned by the government and falls under the ambit of the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development.
Kenya Contacts
Tel: +254 782 392 700
Email: info@kenyachamber.or.ke
The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) was established in 1965 after the amalgamation of the three existing Chambers of Commerce at the time: the Asian, African and European Chambers mandated to protect and develop the interests of the business community.
Email: cs@petroleumandmining.go.ke, pspetroleum@petroleumandmining.go.ke
Tel: +254 (020) 2727434
The Ministry of Petroleum and Mining was established to provide leadership in the management of the extractive sector in the country as guided by executive order No. 1 of 2018.
Tel: +254 722 329 615 | C: +254 722 913 449 E: Email: info@kenyachamberofmines.com
The Kenya Chamber of Mines was formed in the year 2000 to represent the interests of Kenya’s miners, exploration companies, mineral traders, suppliers and professionals in the mining industry.
Tel: +254 (730) 104-200 ||+254 (730) 104-210
Email: inquire@invest.go.ke
Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) is a statutory body established in 2004 and currently operating through an Act of Parliament (Investment Promotion Act No. 6 of 2004) with the main objective of promoting investments in Kenya.
Nigeria Contacts
Tel: +234 9 523 9064
Email: iaismp.support@minesandsteel.com
The Mines and Steel Development Ministry is a Nigerian ministry established in 1985 to encourage the development of the country's solid mineral resources.
Tel: +234 (0)9 2900059 | +234 (0)9 2900061
Email: infodesk@nipc.gov.ng
The Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC ) is a specialised agency of the Federal Government of Nigeria, established through the Nigerian Investment Promotion Act Chapter N117 of 2004.
This commission's objective is to promote, encourage, and coordinate all investments in Nigeria.
Tel: (02) 6215 8500
Email: chancery@nigeria-can.org.au
Nigerian High Commission Canberra Australia is the gateway to the ECOWAS Sub-Region.
Tel: +234 811 8877 562, +234 811 8877 564
Email: info@naccima.com, naccima30@yahoo.co.uk
The Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines, and Agriculture (NACCIMA) was established in 1960.
Continental Contacts
Email: vmabena@miasa.org.za
Tel: +27 82 465 5758
The mission of MIASA is to promote and protect the interests of the mining industry in Southern Africa and so create an enabling environment in which the industry can prosper.